Opere principali | Monumenti in movimento | Opere minori | Non pubblicate | Aforismi italiani




spring is in the air in the eye of the beeholder die jesting


not match less WhichCraft arse tronomy


branes inspirraling and eddy fyne unifiedfield


Split ParSegment light light!


Stop Making Light Waves So Watt?! Shout


PointLess in cubus catarsetrophy theory


soup for suppersimmertree The Punch-Line The Black Hole Truth


a step ahead and a head start prolifig one diamonds are a girl s best friend


The MoodyLazer Ironic Beam What?! Her? wind and hair


farewell to arms mosaic je t adore


flight of fancy dress What's That ? That's the Spirit ! neither right nor fair


ThinBull fart efficiency


SawRing Inspiration War and Pieces of Mind one for the birds


fishy The GEight of Happy Sparrows halting encagement


pensieve ita sm gravytee pretext beeyond in four mation


static in time immobile in motion winking wise owl inner piece


peephole pebble peekarsehole rats moretar


MeRoar ToLose-Low-trec le deconditionneur


watch out living space


untitled no porpoise bulls eye view


SoleLess Plaice SpAceThyme


fortune teller paradosso ParAmour


The World is a StageCoach Effect transparenthesis a pear a pair disapair


row bot abroad bean abroad infantile volatile


intellygent dsigning The Whiting on the Wall di vine


axe tually an ice pick ture peace of art illery from sublime to ridiculous


Weight and Sea Weight Here amazing apse traction collage du collage



SackRed Art all gods yen eggs me two clowned



r u bored two tiers of directors a 
voiding egg sistence2 how to suckseed


The Revolutionary macroskope bisickle inv


y knot




go bernini go freedome La molla 

the leaving tower of pisa mark one La Teoria del Big Ben


ifo ifell tower




Cerca la donna congratulations porte

Da Galileo alla Galassiaun canny

 hilly bylly duo fake news half trough fat


poster pasta    poster pizza    poster pony

poster pussy poster poster party poster say cheese2


Opere non pubblicate

mittygator fountainhead oh that sinking feeling






barilume cio che stato polittico politico

botto ecologia futuracciolo tela bianca

merletto investimento ottemperato tela

testa di autore verdetto parziale tiamo

so no fine e mezzi quadrante

umore nero