Pebble PeekArsehole

Homage to Anal-ytic cubism




mixed techinique, box 35x35x35 cm,
final dimensions with pebble: 39x35x35 cm (LED internally lit)










One version of an anecdote relates that in the 1920s Pablo Picasso received a telegram from a lady in New York, which read: ‘The picture I bought from you in Paris has created a fair amount of interest here – please would you tell me in four words what it means ?’

The telegram received in answer read: ‘Three hundred thousand dollars.’

In this case (see opposite page) there is no doubt whatsoever as to the meaning of this conceptual ‘sculpture’.

Picasso (and Braque) developed Analytic Cubism during the winter of 1909/1910; it lasted until 1912. They invented specific shapes to represent a three dimensional object in a two dimensional space. This 3d ‘sculpture’ in a 3d space is dedicated to ‘anal-ytic’ cubism…