Je t’adore

«Shut the door !»

2010-2011- Mirror, photographic trompe-l‘oeil of an open door, 198x88 cm - Dedicated to Lewis Carroll 's "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

je t adore


















The artist wanted to add a new wing to his country pad, but knew he wouldn’t get planning permission. He therefore decided on a "DIY" solution: with the help of Christina Monti, in one fell swoop he doubled the internal length of two existing wings. Further: with the help of photographer Silvestro Forasassi, he channelled his long standing crush on the castle's 16th century ghost Maria Salviati, and made her materialize! But in the process a second ghost also appeared. We presume it must be the ghost of 15th century Caterina da Forlì, the mother of John of the Black Bands, and an attendant.